Thursday, October 22, 2015

Yummy Light + A Dapper Little Man | Leo [14 months] MHP Family Photographer

I just love getting a little note from old friends. 

Sandy and I went to high school together, worked on the yearbook, and attended the same college. Life has happened in between and I was so excited to catch up a bit, meet her sweet hubby, Michael, and little man, Leo. 

Leo was not so thrilled to see me. 

But I think I pretty much won, and with the help of the amazing Anika, we got some great photos of this sweet family. Anika, I still might call you to help with other sessions :)

I asked them a few post-session questions to see what they were really thinking and hopefully give you all some real-life, first-hand accounts of the beautiful chaos that is MHaas Photography sessions with a 14 month old. Enjoy!

1. How did you feel before the photo shoot? Did you have any concerns? 
Honestly a little overwhelmed. I've always had to just get myself ready but having to get Leo ready as well was a bit stressful, hence the reason we were late ;) 

Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer,Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer,

2. Beautiful fall clothing choices, where did you get your inspiration? 
My sister took some photos last fall with the color mustard and I loved them, that was the inspiration behind our dressed up look.
Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer,
3. What makes your family giggle the most? 
Being silly with Leo, playing peekaboo, watching dad make funny sounds/faces.

Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer,

4. What were your hopes for the session? 
Timeless photos that could be printed and displayed in our home, capturing the milestone of leo turning 1 (2 months later lol) 
Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer,

5. Based on the few images you've seen, do you think we accomplished goals? 
Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer,
6. What were you thinking during the session? 
Somewhat stressed because I did not think Leo was behaving very well, 
would not let us hold him for any pictures.
Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer, lifestyleLouisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer, lifestyle
 7. What did you talk about in the car as you left the shoot?
How exhausted and hungry we were lol, hoping that you were able to get some good pictures 
despite Leo's behavior.

Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer, lifestyleLouisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer, lifestyle
8. Is there anything you would have done (or had Michelle do) differently? Michael, what are your suggestions for making the dads feel more comfortable? 
I probably would have picked an early morning shoot (not sure if that is ideal lighting). That is when Leo is most happy, content, and agreeable. 
Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer, lifestyleLouisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer, lifestyle
9. Dad, what advice would you give other dads before their family photo shoot? And you Mom? 
 Just relax, no matter how your child is acting some priceless pics will come out of it.

Louisville, KY Family Photos, 1 year old boy, Louisville Family Photographer, MHaas Photography, MHPFamilies, toddler, child photographer, lifestyle

10. What was your favorite part of the photo shoot? Be sure to ask Dad too :) 
I love seeing life through my child's eye, every experience is new to him, so seeing him walk around and explore nature is priceless to me, Also seeing him interact with my husband- brings warmth to my heart!
Michael's responses... It was very comfortable.  I like taking pictures when it more natural instead of forced.  I thought the photos so far have been great,  I'm excited to see the rest.  As for any advice, show up and support your wife.  After the pictures and the finished product you'll be happy you did.  
Thank you again :)

Thank you Michael, Sandy, and Leo (and Anika too!) It was wonderful to see you again Sandy and I can't wait to show you more photos of your sweet family ~ and hopefully find the perfect photo(s) for that spot in your house.


P.S.  If you enjoyed the images above, please share this post or pin the images on pinterest. You can also signup to follow my blog for more yummy portrait sessions like this one.
Please don't crop out the logo, alter or save these images. All rights reserved © 2015 MHaas Photography.<3

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