Friday, July 3, 2015

Lillies + Puppy Kisses + How to Make Your Newborn Session Awesome | MHP Louisville, KY Newborn Photography

I am sitting here thinking about a way to share these photos of the sweetest little family, and of course I do what most others do while procrastinating focusing on the task at hand, I jump on Facebook.

Would you believe that it just so happens to be the little mama's birthday? I cannot think of a better way to celebrate, than with posting and sharing these sweet newborn photos of her new baby Lily.

©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, mom, newborn photography, pink, portraits, in-home

This little family was sent to me by another friend (I LOVE referrals) and I am so glad that we could fit sweet Lily in to the schedule.

Isn't she the most gorgeous little girl, and that name, fits her so perfectly. We even found some yellow Lilies blooming in the backyard. How PERFECT! 

©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, newborn photography, pink, portraits, in-home, Lilies

There are so many great images from this session - we were able to shoot indoors and out! - and I felt so bad that mom and dad were concerned about Lily being upset and having to snack a little during our session. Which is COMPLETELY NORMAL and expected! Just look how beautiful!

SO I wanted to share what to expect and I put together a few tips to make your newborn photo session go as smooth as a baby's... well you know buns ;).
©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, newborn photography, portraits, in-home, box, barrel,

 1. Start Early - Be sure to start contacting photographers at lease a couple months before your due date. I usually use your due date as a place holder and then confirm with the little one arrives. I will always try to fit in any session, but I can only schedule so many sessions per week because newborn sessions can take some time, see #2.

2. Be Prepared for a 2-3 Hour Shoot - Babies are amazing, cuddly, adorable, squishy, unpredictable little creatures. But, they are on their own schedule and have to eat pretty often. We may have to have a few mini feeding sessions in the middle to calm down baby and make them sleepy again. The photo shoot will stress them out and feeding helps to soothe them too.

©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, mom, dad, black and white, skin to skin, kangaroo care, newborn photography, pink, portraits, in-home
3. Feed Before your Session - It is best to feed a good big meal about a half hour before the shoot and loosen the diaper if you are interested in naked baby photos. Makes baby milk drunk.

4. Avoid Crazy Days - I know it sounds ridiculous with a brand new baby, but get as much sleep and take it easy the night before and morning of the shoot. Lots of visitors wear baby out, and can make for a more cranky pumpkin for the session.

5. Young Babes are Sleepier - I suggest photos in the first 10 days of life and first 7 is ideal. It is not always possible for various reasons, but try to get photos done as soon as you get home from the hospital. Younger babies are sleepier, which is usually better for photos because they will be more content. Babies eyes haven't developed strong muscles yet, so they often look cross-eyed if they're open.
©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, dog, newborn photography, portraits, in-home, lab, porter, chocolate lab
6. Don't Skip It - If you are concerned about timing, or baby comes early/late, or has a little stint in the NICU, don't cancel. Even if the photos end up being 1 month photos, do them anyway, you will be glad you did later. 

7. It Won't Be Perfect - But we will get perfectly amazing images that will last more than a lifetime. Behind the scenes always looks a little messier than you would imagine. The photos will be gorgeous even if your house is a mess, you haven't slept more than 30 mins and your pants have dried milk on them. The photos show only where I point the camera, and I can hide a lot.

©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, mom, dad, hands, hearts, newborn photography, pink, portraits, in-home
8. Include the Important Stuff - Be sure to collect heirlooms and objects that mean something to you and have them ready for the shoot. In fact, I often ask what you have before hand so I can get the ideas rolling.

9. Consider Priorities - Sometimes the little ones just aren't having it. They may be growth-spurting, or fighting sleep, and just don't want to do much. We have to have a plan. So tell me what is most important to you and we will do that first. I always suggest family photos first, just in case we get some projectile matter on our clothes (also completely normal, no worries).
©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, mom, dad, outdoor newborn session, family photos, newborn photography, pink, portraits, in-home
10. My Models Tell Me - My models, large and small, always tell me when they have had enough. We will go by the way the little one responds and if we have enough and little one starts freaking out, we are officially wrapped up. This is why #9 is so important. 

Most of all, I know it is scary and uncomfortable. But, PLEASE try not to worry. I have done this many times. Pee, poop, spit-up, breast milk, boobs, I have seen it all, and it doesn't freak me out. I will not be offended or injured if it happens during our shoot. I have a washing machine and I know how to use it :)  

©2015 MHaas Photography | Louisville, ky, kentucky, newborn, baby girl, mom, dad, outdoor, family photography, newborn photography, pink, portraits, in-home

Plus babies can smell fear, and their mom, so sometimes I'll make you go away :D



P.S. Send me some love, or tell me what I missed, in the comment section below. And please shoot me an email - using the contact link above -  if you need some art made of your new addition.


  1. Michelle, we couldn't be happier with the pictures of our beautiful Lily! You really listened to the type of pictures I wanted, and you were so great with her during the shoot , even jumping in and changing a diaper and soothing when she was fussy. I will definitely recommend you to all my friends with babies. Thank you so much for beautifully capturing this extremely special time in our lives.

    1. Awww Sarah, it was my pleasure really. You all were great to work with and I am so glad that you are happy with your photos! I will be sending your full gallery link to you soon and I hope to capture many more milestones for your sweet family!


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