Sunday, June 14, 2015

Long Grass and Gardens [family] | Louisville, KY Family Photographer

This special family is the epitome of the client turned friend. I cannot tell you how many times this sweet family has been in front of my camera and I must say it is such a joy to watch then grow. Just look at these sweet girls and the love their amazing parents share.

We started the ideas for this family shoot at their house via text, like so many times before. But when I heard of Randi's idea for photos of the girls playing in the garden and on their new playground, I thought... how fitting. These girls are growing like the tomato plants in compost, tall and healthy in the element they were intended.

I was delighted that we would be capturing some amazing lifestyle photos of the family being authentic, in their element. It is how I hope to photograph every single person I have the honor to shoot - REAL - in their element, their comfortable, authentic selves.

I look forward to our shoots and ordering sessions not because of any monetary gains or business advances I may make. But because we get to talk about David's business and the fun things the girls are doing in school. I make plans with Randi to visit the parish picnics for some games and fun.

This wonderful family is not only an amazing client family that I enjoy working with a few times a year, they are friends and I am so blessed to call them that... Dusty and all.

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