Saturday, March 22, 2014

Need for Selflessness

I have been trying to find a great cause to get behind recently. I have been experiencing this strong urge to find or develop a means of helping others in some way. Maybe it is because I have been away more than I have been home lately. Traveling with work is trying at times, but it makes me really appreciate what I have at home.  I am blessed beyond measure to have a wonderful home where I can rest my head, and a husband with whom to share that special sanctuary.

There are so many people that do not have those luxuries, that are plagued with so much adversity simply because of their locale. But my friend Kate Hamilton McNatt who writes an adorable blog over at Southern Dwellings has just introduced me to an amazing effort called Noonday Collections. They offer jewelry, handbags, and other accessories all handmade by women just like you and me from many impoverished countries across the globe. 

The company's founders "spent years living in resource poor areas of the world and both dreamed of starting a business that would alleviate poverty through entrepreneurship."

I am so impressed with the underlying mission to help empower the family. They strive to make more money for the artisans to keep their own families together, and a portion of proceeds go to help orphans find a forever family. That really made this something I wanted to let you all know about (hence my new button on the right check it out --->).

So here's what you can do:
- Check out some of my favorite pieces below
- Head over to Kate's Noonday Collection website and buy some stuff
- Learn more about Noonday Collection's Story here
- Share this gorgeous stuff with your friends, Kate even does Trunk shows!

I may have to pick this up for me. I would love to use this gorgeous tray for my newborn sessions.

Shopping = LOVE
Lets change the world!
