Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Throw Back...Tuesday [record screetch] | MHP Louisville, KY portrait photographer

Who doesn't need a little nostalgia sometimes and a little look back at where they came from?

This is especially important for the little ones, since kids seem to grow faster than everything else known to man, except maybe those pesky dandelions in the front yard.

In case you missed it, I posted a little throw back of Miriam and her ever-growing little one Logan earlier this month here.

The point of the post was to encourage you to hire a great photographer, whether it is me or not, to capture the feelings you experience.

As a parent,
                  a child,
                            a sibling,
                                          a friend.

All of these feelings deserve to be captured and looked upon often to remember and re-live.

That photo was taken at 6 months old, momma was soothing Logan after he realized he was not a fan of grass. His little teeth were coming in and his little Sophie teething giraffe were in nearly every. single. photo.

But that one photo was all worth it. This one.

Logan has since grown quite a bit in size and intellect and that photo got me thinking - what other photos might need to resurface and do some reminding? 

One thing that parents really love are successions of images to see how the little one has grown.
Here are some of his beautiful parents awaiting his arrival,
                                                                                just after birth,
3 months,
and little Logan Man looking dapper at about 15 months old.

Look how much these little girls have grown in just about a year!

Another beauty that I have had the pleasure to capture several times.

 With a new baby sister

And this adorable blonde,

who has a sister all her own as well.

 These little clients sure are growing and growing and growing.  

We must make them stop. 

What? Not Possible? 


Well, how 'bout a photo shoot to catch them while we can?

Contact me for more info or to schedule a session before its too late...


P.S. Know and/or love a young client above (ooh I'm Dr. Seuss with these rhymes) Leave a comment and share the love (on facebook).

P.S.S. Stay tuned for a super exciting secret post coming soon! Hint: Free stuff is involved! Ahhh!