Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Year, New MHP | louisville, ky portrait photographer

Hi all of my lovelies!

It has been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over and I can share my baby with you.  No this is not a human baby, I couldn't grow one that fast.  But this is my virtual baby.  I have put a ton of blood sweat and tears into this and I sure do hope you like it.  Its my new website!

Hop on over to and check it out.

I love the huge photos and I have added a ton more features that I hope will make your lives easier.  This is a complete rebrand for me, in that I have a new look on my website, AND I will be unveiling a whole new set of "packages" that feel less like [insert big box store here] portrait studio, and more like "ahh refreshing, she knows exactly what I want and I don't have to sell a kidney for it".  At least I hope that is how you feel after reading my new offerings.  If you don't, please please PLEASE let me know.  Because this is intended to be a breath of fresh air for us both.  I know that you guys want things that are easier, more digital (it is all the rage after all) and faster.  So these are the things that I hope to have allowed with some straightforward pricing structure.

I am going to celebrate my birthday tomorrow and I will be back a little older and much wiser and will have tons more fun stuff to peruse soon, so stay tuned.


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