Friday, January 11, 2013

Natural is Beautiful | MHP Louisville, Ky Portrait Photographer

As much as I would like to say the title means us girls don't have to put on make-up or shave our legs to be beautiful, that is not quite the status quo I am discussing today. The natural beauty I am talking about is the Smile. I had a smile sign suprise me the other day. You know the one that just says Smile! with a squigly underneath? It was writen someplace strange like the garbage can or a public restroom. Caught me completely by surprise and I actually did smile.

The most beautiful of smiles, to me, is the one right after tears. But as I hope to never make (or cause, I suppose) anyone over the age of 5 cry at any photo shoot, we will have to settle for the second best...

The belly laugh.

It is the real stuff. The one where only your family and friends can call it up in an instant. Those are what I live (and shoot) for. They make my life complete. No matter what has to be said to get the laugh that touches the eyes, I am all for it. There is a reason photos don't have sound. We can keep the slightly off-color jokes or talk about boogies out of the photo and off grandma's wall. No one has to know. It will be our little secret.

All hail the belly laugh.


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