Friday, February 17, 2012

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

New Love...

I am in love.  Yes, I love my husband dearly.  But, this Valentines day, I am hoping to have my new love come into my life.

Buy the The iPhone 4 SLR Mount at the Photojojo Store!

Check this bad boy out!  I already cannot leave my house, car, desk without my iPhone (it is quite embarrassing but I do take it to the bathroom with me occasionally).  With the SLR mount, it may be my go-to camera on portrait shoots as well.  OK so maybe just as an ice-breaker, as it may get a little uncomfortable to hold.

Head to the Photojojo Store (link above) and check out their other cool iPhone accessories.  They did not pay me to say any of this, I am just that big of a geek :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mommy Photos

Excellent article from I Heart Photography that I just had to share, post written by a very talented Photographer Hayley Bradshaw.

Maternity Posing Ideas

A good tip she suggests is to have maternity photos done between weeks 28 and 34, when mom and baby are feeling and looking their best.

I wanted to share a couple of my favorite maternity photos that came to mind while I was reading.

Happy hump day!